Concrete Blocks

AAC Blocks Manufacturers

Going Green The Magna Way

A lightweight, High-insulating, Durable building product

AAC Blocks

AAC Blocks

Magna Green Building Products is the industry's leading AAC Blocks Manufacturers and durable concrete materials. Magna AAC Blocks is highly considered over conventional Construction Brick and Mortar methods. This Concrete Block enables the engineer to optimize the time involved in completing a project.

We design, Manufacture, and deliver depending on the customer's requirements to their locations such as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block is suitable for constructing different sections of the building structures. AAC Blocks is highly preferred due to its physical properties. The size does not impact the gross weight of the AAC Brick. AAC Wall is suitable for temporary and permanent structures as they do not result in adding dead load to the structure.

AAC Concrete Block is highly preferred due to the low water absorption, high fire resistance, high load transfer, and sound insulation. We Manufacturers of Lightweight AAC Blocks with the right mixture of cement, lime, polymers, and fly ash to satisfy customers' technical requirements.

Our customers' main advantage in choosing the building material from Magna is that the Blocks are less prone to cracking and highly cost-effective as the overall construction time is reduced to a greater extent. Magna Green AAC Blocks significantly reduces the carbon footprint and suits modern building construction. Due to these worth-noting properties, Magna AAC Blocks earned the people's trust and is positioned as one of the most reliable AAC Blocks Manufacturers with the maximum number of happy customers.


  • High Compressive
    High Compressive
  • Cost Effective
    Cost Effective
  • Light Weight
    Light Weight
  • Fire Resistant
    Fire Resistant
  • Faster Construction
    Faster Construction
  • Earthquake Resistance
    Earthquake Resistance
  • Pest Resistance
    Pest Resistance
  • Uniform Size
    Uniform Size

Comparison of AAC Blocks & Conventional Red Clay Brick

Particulars AAC Blocks Red Clay Brick
Size (L x B x H) mm650x250/200 x 75-300230x75x100
Precision in size mm+ 1 (thickness & height)+5 (length)
Dry Density550-650 Kg/m3 (oven dry)1800 Kg/m3
Sound Reduction Index (dB)45 for 200 mm thick wall50 for 230 mm thick wall
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)0.160.81
Mortar Consumption m3 with 1:60.5 Bag of Cement1.35 bag of Cement
Construction Time per mason30 m220 m2
Chemical CompositionFly-ash is used around 65% which reacts with binders to form AACSoil is used which contains inorganic impurities in Efflorescence.
FinishingCan be directly cut or shaped/ sculptured as requiredNot possible
Cost-Benefit factorUp to 24% in structural cost (subject to project design)No Cost benefits
Energy SavingUp to 30 % of Air-conditioning loadNo Energy Saving
Capillary Water AbsorptionLess (due to low density)More (due to High Density)

Technical Specifications

AAC Blocks Dimensions

  • 600 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm - 4 inch
  • 600 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm - 6 inch
  • 600 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm - 8 inch
  • 600 mm x 200 mm x 225 mm - 9 inch

Where to Apply Magna AAC Blocks?

  • Residentials
  • Apartments
  • Commercials
  • Hotels

Magna AAC Blocks – Key Differentiators :


Magna are manufactured with a mixture of fly ash that AACounts for 70% and cement, lime, binding materials and aeration agents have a share of 30%. Thereby significantly increasing the usage of green building materials. We manufacture fly ash Blocks with strength and other properties to satisfy the customer's buying decision on choosing it as the best alternative to conventional and concrete bricks.


Magna helps you save the non-renewable resources that are greatly used in the manufacturing of conventional red clay bricks. Our Blocks are highly preferred and suitable for constructing different architectural buildings and infrastructures. Magna AAC Bricks outperform clay Bricks with their compressive strength and durability.


We manufacture lightweight AAC Blocks that significantly increase the loading capacity of the vehicle and optimize the logistic operations in all over Tamilnadu, India. Due to its lightweight, the dead load on the structure is reduced to a great extent.


Magna AAC Blocks require less amount of water as the curing requirement of the building construction is very less. Hence, our AAC Blocks significantly reduce the water requirements and end up saving you more costs and natural resources for future needs.

Lightweight AAC Blocks

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Magna Green Building Products is a company formed by young set of promoters

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